Liberty Skis // Mt Hood 2.0

published Nov 2016 - 9,584 views

Joe Schuster and Matt Margetts crossed the border and headed to Mt Hood, Oregon. Arriving in time to share a week of spring riding with the Liberty Skis Team. Eager to hit some late season jumps, the crew hiked into the alpine in search of spots to build. After battling weather for the a few days , the team scored a three day window of sun. After several days of early mornings and late night sunset traverses back to the base, the team called it a trip. We hope you enjoy the video.

Credit: Liberty Skis & Ryan Braun

Skier: Joe Schuster, Teal Harle, Max Moffatt, & Margetts

Location: Mt Hood

Jumps Big Mountain Sequences Summer Edits North America Sunset Backcountry Mount Hood


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